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いつもご支援ありがとうございます! 今回の更新は昔コミッション頂いたかごめになります。 犬夜叉は好きで単行本集めていましたよ(*´ω`*) 高橋先生の作品はどれも好きですが特にらんまが好きでしたね。 当時子供でしたがよくらんまの絵を模写して絵の練習をしていたものです。 来週ナミサガの更新予定です。 今線画を作っている所です。毎回更新一日前くらいまで作業して居るので次回からの漫画連載は一回分くらい連載に余裕を持たせて絶対落とさないようにしたいですね(;・∀・) あとコミケに参加しない分増ページとかも出来たらしたいですね。 海賊版対策も今考えている所です。 なにか良いアイデアありましたら是非教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 ではまた来週! Thank you for your continued support! This update is for Kagome, who I received a commission from a long time ago. I used to like Inuyasha and collect his books. I like all of Takahashi's works, but I especially liked Ranma. I was a child at the time, but I used to practice drawing by copying Ranma's pictures. I am going to update Namisaga next week. I'm working on the line drawings right now. I'm working on it until about a day before every update, so I'd like to make sure that the next manga series will have enough time for at least one update so that I don't drop it. I would also like to add more pages to the manga if I can, since I will not be attending Comiket. I am also thinking about measures to prevent piracy. If you have any good ideas, please let me know. Please let me know if you have any good ideas. See you next week!




nice work! and how many episodes are left for nami saga?


Ooh! It’s a pleasant surprise to see Kagome! I used to love Inuyasha too, though I never got the chance to finish it 😭 Happy to hear that Nami Saga’s continuing!


A very nice surprise.


Great work as always


How many more pages for Nami Saga? When will get some more Nico Robin and Nami content?


You ever drawn characters from Bastard

