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※The translated text will be posted below the Japanese text.





Hello everyone.

This is BinzumeShip.

This time, I've collected some rough sketches that I ran out of steam on, as well as a lot of dead material.

This is also available for free as a trial version.

①-(1)没ネタ:「蟲嚢の森の賢者様」Dear Sage of the Insect Forest

English version of the dialogues

Boy: "Um... are you the Sage of the Forest?

Woman: "Oh dear, my lovely guest has even come to this place.

Woman: "I'm more of a medicine-maker than a sage. Well boy, what can I do for you?

Boy: "My mother's cough hasn't stopped for six months.

Woman: "Hmmm, a cough that won't stop, that's good.

Woman: "I'll make you some medicine. Come with me.



I couldn't think of a continuation after drawing this far, so I gave up.

However, it's a character I'd like to try again.

①ー(2)没ネタ:①-1のさらに前のもの Even earlier than ①-1.


This one looks much stronger.

②没キャラ・ラフ画:「古賀 有沙」Koga Arisa



I was trying to draw a woman and a boy, but failed.

I envisioned her having a sore relationship with her son's friend.

③没ネタ・ラフ画:深夜徘徊ロリ爆乳妊婦(実は妖怪の類)Pregnant women with loli bombshells wandering around late at night (actually a kind of specter)



When I heard that the restrictions on lolita were getting stronger, I got scared and stopped drawing.

I really admire loli painters!

④ラフ画:紗里ちゃん、夏海ちゃん Rough Sketch of Sari-chan and Natsumi-chan


Sari's breasts are so big that I can't draw a good paizuri (I deserve it).


I wanted to draw hot pants, but I got bored.



Now that I look at it, it looks like I could finish it.

I don't know why I gave up (I forgot why).



Natsumi's growth record

I'm pretty sure this is also the one that freaked out about the loli restrictions.




That's it for today.

This year, I bought an LCD tablet, so I think I'll be able to work much more efficiently.

If I get a good response from people, I'd like to make a series out of the stories I've left out, so if there are any characters you're interested in, please post them in the comments section.




①超乳+超ボテ腹にぴっちり光沢衣装はエロすぎますね ボツにするの勿体ないです! 見て思ったことのメモ もしちょっとでも参考になれば💦 ・薬師で胸もお腹も成長してる ・最初は体を服で隠していたけど成長しすぎて隠せなく&人里には下りれないので新しい服が無いので服で隠せない ・蟲囊の森と言うことで 体内に蟲がいるか蟲を使って薬を作るとか ・禁域 恐ろしくお腹の大きな化け物がいて子供が食べられると噂される 患者の血の繋がっているショタとセックス お腹の中の生命の源(赤ちゃんではない)を蟲によって薬にする 患者の重症具合で妊娠周期がかわる お腹の成長速度は早い 1日で○ヶ月分とか 重症の場合 依頼者の子供の大きさぐらいお腹に入れておく 死んでしまっている場合は禁術 年齢分とか(恐ろしくお腹が大きくなる これを見られて禁域と言われるとか) 何度も妊娠するので胸もお腹も大きく お腹は前よりちょっと大きいぐらいまでは戻る 噂が広まり依頼者が増え 重症患者の治療も増えるため お腹(の中の”聖域“)がどんどん大きくなっていく ②お母さんぐらいの年齢でめちゃくちゃエロいお母さんがいたらその子性欲歪みまくりで最高ですね! ③年齢書かなければ大丈夫だと思いますよ ロリの低身長に超乳+ボテ腹は最高だと思います ④成長記録は見てみたいですね Twitterには画像上げないでpixivだけ上げるとか pixivも別アカにしとけばもし消されても被害は少ないかもです(ちょっと面倒くさいですが💦) 新キャラで紗里ちゃんの真逆で 性欲普通 彼氏1人か、いない 浮気等そういうのは一切なし セックスシーンより日常シーン多めの健全なキャラだけど身体が紗里ちゃんみたいに成長して超ドエロみたいな 存在がエロいキャラとかどうでしょう? 小さい時からの成長記録や登校シーン、授業風景とかもめちゃくちゃエロいかもです 長文すみません💦 色々応援しております!


These ideas and characters look great. ① This seems like a great story with the Sage of the Forest. Her breasts have been growing so big after using potions <3 so she needs a new potion as antidote and she requires a specific ingredient and he can help her in exchange of helping his mother. ③ This would make a great story i hope you can continue it at some point if the restrictions are lower but If that isn't possible i will be okay too. ④ Are definitely great ideas too (but once again hope the restrictions are better this time)


さまざまなご意見、本当にありがとうございます! それぞれのラフ画に対する考察がしゅごい… 特に①、また新キャラ案については私では思いつかないような内容も多々あり、非常に参考になりました! 今後ともご助言よろしくお願い致します!


Thanks so much for all your input! I will take your opinion into account. If you come up with anything else in the future, please let me know!