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R18 +Shota プランにご加入頂いている方は、この続きのシーンと、↑のパンツ穿いてないバージョンをご覧頂けます。ご支援、いつも本当にありがとうございます!



A baseball boy who got horny and got an erection during practice. He hides in the shadows to let it go (he is the type of guy who can't get enough without playing with his ass) 🥰.

If you have subscribed to the R18 +Shota plan, you can see the rest of the scene and the version without pants on ↑. Thanks again for your support!

English-translated version of the dialogues

No text version

リクエスト募集中です! Requests are welcome!


password: 555

お気軽にシチュエーションをお寄せいただけると嬉しいです! シチュエーションは端的なものだとがイラストにしやすいです。例えば「体操服の男子が見たい」など。(長文を送ってもらうのもとても嬉しいのですが、それに沿ったイラストを描くのは難しいため)


I'd love it if you'd feel free to send me your situations! The more straightforward the situation, the easier it is to illustrate. For example, "I want to see boys in gym clothes. (It is also very nice to receive long sentences, but it is difficult to draw illustrations according to them.)



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