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🎁每個月只要贊助我的 ¥2000 日圓等級的贊助者都會收到一份專屬的禮物!

🎁🧧贊助我 ¥3000 日圓的贊助者則可以獲得專屬禮物+我的簽名明信片!



✨Monthly gift event started!

🎁I will mail you a special gift I prepare monthly if you support my ¥2000 Yen tier!

🎁🧧If you support my ¥3000 tier, you'll get the monthly gift plus a signed postcard from me!

💬Please DM me your receiver name and full address through any platform I use, and I will send out the gift early next month through air mail!

🪜You can check the current benefits of all my tiers down in the link below~

Support Tier Details 贊助方案說明

📚本文章有中英雙語言 This article is in both Chinese and English 💴贊助價格及說明: ¥0 【🆓🆓🆓】即使你沒有贊助我也沒關係~歡迎至我的Pixiv查看我的一般向作品!一年前的付費內容也都會在FANBOX設定為免費公開! ¥500 【🔞】【🎟️1️⃣】可以查看一般向及R-18插畫作品。加入我的贊助者頻道的話可以獲得無馬賽...


⬆️These are some gifts I have sent to my supporters in the past months! (Acrylic standees, bubble stickers)


❓More gifts are coming in the following months! Please look forward to them!


⬆️An example of the signed postcards, you'll get a different card every month! With my signature on it!



🎟️The raffle event is happening as we speak!

I will host a monthly raffle event on my supporter-only channel to decide what I should draw next, and you also have a chance if you want me to draw your OC! Join it by clicking the link below!

Supporter Channel Tutorial~ 贊助者專屬頻道加入教學~

以下將會教學如何加入我的 Rocket.Chat 伺服器,及如何獲得贊助者權限~~ 以下的步驟只需要進行一次! 不需要每個月重複操作~ 之後就可以盡情查看我的創作🥰 Here I will show you how to join my Rocket.Chat server, and how to join supporter-only channels! You'll only need to do the following step once and can ...



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