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CH Ver.


2022年11月15日「決済を伴う取引に関するサービス共通利用規約改定の事前のお知らせとお願い」にてお伝えいたしましたサービス共通利用規約の改定内容についてお知らせします。 このたびの改定は、pixivFANBOX、BOOTH、pixivリクエスト機能など決済を伴う取引に2022年12月15日(木)より適用されます。 現在、ピクシブで...





新增: 贊助我超過300日圓的各位都可以加入我在 Rocket.Chat 開設定贊助者專用頻道,可以即時看到無碼的圖!




* 贊助驗證頻道:

- 用來領取贊助身分組權限的頻道,所有原本有贊助FANBOX的各位都可以獲取權限,詳細如何操作請參考以下說明~

* 300日圓(或更高)方案:

- 貼贊助圖的地方,與FANBOX不同的地方是,這邊的圖片都將會是無碼版本,且更新的速度會比較快。

* 1000日圓(或更高)方案:

- 貼動畫或其他創作的地方,一樣都會是無碼的版本。

贊助者專屬頻道加入教學~ Supporter Channel Tutorial~

開始使用其他管道發佈我的創作的原因及未來的規劃可以參考這篇公告~~ Please check my announcement for why I'm using another method to share my work with supporters! -------------------------------- 以下將會教學如何加入我的 Rocket.Chat 伺服器,及如何獲得贊助者權限~~ 以下的步驟只需要進行一次! 不需要每...






EN Ver.


2022年11月15日「決済を伴う取引に関するサービス共通利用規約改定の事前のお知らせとお願い」にてお伝えいたしましたサービス共通利用規約の改定内容についてお知らせします。 このたびの改定は、pixivFANBOX、BOOTH、pixivリクエスト機能など決済を伴う取引に2022年12月15日(木)より適用されます。 現在、ピクシブで...

🪧Announcement of the plan for my FANBOX:

FANBOX is about to change the rules regarding content reviewing on 2022/12/15, I am not sure if my work will be affected... So I'm here to announce my plan of using FANBOX in the future!


I will be using FANBOX as usual, thus there will be R-18 work with censorship, a zip file with uncensored works, the supporter raffle for 2000 Yen supporters, etc.

Added: I'll add an instruction so you can follow and join my Rocket.Chat supporter-only channel, where you can see uncensored works if you support 300 Yen or more!


Rocket.Chat is a chat server I host myself, it's just like Discord but without censorship!

There will be three channels related to FANBOX support:

* Supporter-Verification channel:

- For supporters to obtain permissions to other channels, you can get your permission here if you are my FANBOX support already.

* 300 Yen (or up) channel:

- A channel for uncensored work, I'll update more often here than FANBOX!

* 1000 Yen (or up) channel:

- A channel for uncensored animation!

贊助者專屬頻道加入教學~ Supporter Channel Tutorial~

開始使用其他管道發佈我的創作的原因及未來的規劃可以參考這篇公告~~ Please check my announcement for why I'm using another method to share my work with supporters! -------------------------------- 以下將會教學如何加入我的 Rocket.Chat 伺服器,及如何獲得贊助者權限~~ 以下的步驟只需要進行一次! 不需要每...


If somehow in the future FANBOX lists my work as "content need modification", and thus takes down my works, I will migrate all my actual content to Rocket.Chat.⚠️⚠️⚠️

Before that happens, I'll use FANBOX as usual!

For all my supporters, it'll be nice if you join my Rocket.Chat, I'll be doing art streaming there and it's also a nice place to meet friends!

Thank you so much for your support and reading!




I've been supporting you on both the 300 and 500 yen plans here and will continue to do so :). I want to figure out Rocket chat as well so I can join you there 😁❤️


They announced the changes a few days ago, and it only mentioned something about "live-action elements" So I don't think you have to worry!


It's still a big question mark to all the nsfw artists I know... I guess we'll see what happens on 12/15🥲