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Sorry. I will not be able to update new arts in April because I am very very very busy with work and tasks.

I am currently working on a manga for a furrys event in Japan in May. Currently this book will only be distributed in analog form. However, we are considering a digital version of this book, although it is not yet finalized.

(That is if the issues of unauthorized reproduction and copyright infringement can be resolved...)

For those of you who have been looking forward to updates of my paintings, I apologize for not meeting your expectations.




Would it be possible to just make it digital after sales of the physical dried up and you got most of your profit from it? I think it's the best way. You're never going to prevent pirates from pirating and you'd only be preventing yourself from reaching more people who want to support you but can't because we don't live in the same country. Maybe do it 4 or so months down the line after you made the most profit you could off of it :)