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Thank you for another year.

Thanks to everyone, I’ve been able to draw lots of things.

I want to do my best in 2024 too, so please look forward to it!

I’d love to get some more ideas for drawing, so if you could comment your favorite characters and situations I would appreciate it.




Mutsuki from Blue Archive Wu from Fate Grand Order Bache from Azure Lane All are mesugakis. It would be fun to see any of them in a situation where they are teasing the prey nicely by either sitting on them with their butts or pressing them into their belly. Then eating and digesting aside prey. It's best when there is weight gain as well and their curves get a bit bigger. Then they get to tease their prey forever.


Zombieland Saga girls eating fans who discover their zombie secret. I love Junko Konno


今年一年もお疲れ様です! いつも作品を楽しませた頂いてます! 参考までに好きなシチュですが個人的にはこれから消化されるなど被食者に対して煽りながらの丸呑みが好みです! キャラで好きなのはToLOVEるに登場する金色の闇や東方の古明地こいしなどです! これからも作品を楽しみに待ってます!

Ren Kie

Jack-O Valentine from Guilty Gear


ありがとうございます! 煽りや言葉攻めは外せないですね! 来年も煽って丸呑みする作品描いていきます!


Raphtaria! I really like her! I hope that after swallowing the same size, it will be very interesting to watch the prey struggle in the stomach and then spit it out


I have a few situations that I really enjoy. I don't have a massive preference on characters, but I really enjoy cat girls and pink hair. I'll make a list of situations. I really enjoy having two girls play chess with shrunken people as the pieces. When they capture a piece they have to eat it. It would be cool to have it be a tournament where the rules say you're disqualified if you puke. I would also enjoy a situation where tinies are used as a seasoning on various foods. It would be especially good if the one eating it mildly disliked that seasoning but ate it anyway. Another would be two women using a tiny as a disposable and edible strap on or other type of sex toy. If the tiny had a shrunken girlfriend it would also be nice. For the last suggestion, it would be cool to see a classroom environment where a girl snuck in some tinies and is trying to discreetly eat them. Another girl might notice and demand some as well or else they'll tell a teacher that they snuck in food.


I’d love to see more people from the Hunie Pop series. They have very little on any of them. But specifically I’d really enjoy Aiko and Tiffany from Hunie Pop


I would love it if you drew Misaka Mikoto using Touma as a dildo and then swallowing him after. Also I don't think I ever saw samesize unbirth drawn by you. I think that could be interesting if you're willing to draw it. Love your work!


今年も1年お疲れ様でした! 大変だったであろう時期もあったかと思いますが、その分くりっぷさんの成長が絵からたくさん伝わってきました。 来年も精一杯応援させていただきますね! 🫶🫶

Harmin-E Waves

Would love to see Pyra or Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 swallowing any tiny! Digestion is optional but far better if Mythra's doing it 🤭 I'm sorry if I'm unable to support you every month but you're in my top 5 list of vore content creators! Keep it up and happy new year! ✨️


こちらこそ大変お世話になりました! くりっぷさんのオリキャラ皆本当に可愛くて大好きです! その可愛い笑顔の裏には何人の犠牲者がいるのか...考えるだけでゾクゾクします🤤 好きなシチュエーションは、お店系のシチュや人の命を無駄に消費しちゃう系が特に好きです。 何の非もない人をめちゃくちゃな理由で食べて人生終了させちゃう女の子にグッときます! 好きなキャラクターはメイドラゴンのイルルちゃんです😋 来年も変わらず応援しますのでどうか無理なく頑張ってください!


Thank you for all the ideas! I will draw many illustrations next year too!


ぺぁさんありがとうございます😊 いつもコメント嬉しかったです。 絵柄も一皮剥けた年だったかなと思います。 来年ももっと上手に描けるよう頑張っていきますのでよろしくお願いします


Thank you for your usual support! I'm so happy to be your top 5 illustrators!


Aliceさんいつもありがとうございます😊 毎度コメント楽しみにしていました。 お店シチュや命の無駄消費はいいですよねぇ... 大好きで描いているシチュなので今後も続けていきます!


If really like to see kaede hozuki eating a lot of people to make her boobs and ass bigger


今年もお世話になりました 好きなシチュは中高生くらいの女の子がいつも通り成人男性を頭から丸呑みするけどまずかったのか腰くらいまで呑み込んだところ吐き出してしまう。助かったと思いきやそれをみていた関係ない別のお姉さんに食べかけはよくないわねと結局丸呑みされてしまうみたいな?1人の男が複数の女の子に食べられるシチュがあれば萌えますね😇 来年も応援します

Corrupted Genie

Would love to see more soft vore. Great work this year btw.


I'd really like to see you use Sinon in some of your drawings again! Maybe a scenario where she finds her party members shrunk and decides to eat them for the extra experience and levels.


今年もたくさんの、とってもかわいくて、とってもエロい丸呑み作品、たのしく拝見させていただきました。 好きなシチュエーションやキャラクター… 以前失敗に終わってしまった絵里ちゃんのsame size vore…自分は無理と嫌がるのを熱心なファンの熱意に負けて再挑戦とか見てみたいと思うところです。 今年も一年おつかれさまでした 来年もまた!🙇‍♂️✨


i love situations involving lamias! thank you for an excellent 2023, perhaps it is unusual but as an en reader it inspires me to properly learn japanese! keep it up! looking forward to 2024~


一寸さん昨年はお世話になりました! エリーチカも大好きですが最近オリジナルキャラに専念していたので描いていませんでしたね… 機会作って描いてみますね!


しゅーとっそさんありがとうございます! 今年もよろしくお願いします。 いいシチュですね!一回吞まれて吐きだし…助かったと思ったらもっと手馴れていそうな捕食者に...という絶望的なシチュ 参考にします。 今年も頑張りますね!


thank you! Sinon is my favorite character, so I wanted to draw her for the first time in a while.


Lamia's slurping situation is amazing! I'll definitely draw an illustration of Lamia vore. In my manga, onomatopoeia is often written in Japanese, so if you understand a little Japanese, you can enjoy the manga!


thank you! I would also like to try illustrating Umbers. I’ll do my best again this year!