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在因為一些事情轉換工作後,她現在在隔壁村子裡一間小補習班低調的繼續當老師,並且有一個熟識的小助手~ 雖然仍然是位內斂認真的老師,但有時候她會和小助手玩一些輕鬆調皮的小遊戲,這次似乎有點玩過火了,但小助手應該能處理好的,是吧? (ゝ∀・) 我滿喜歡像老師和課代表這樣,一點點小變態和骯髒但不至於太過分(?)的日常小互動。這次我會將排泄變體放在神祕代碼中。 After changing jobs due to some things, she now continues to work as a teacher in a small cram school in the village next door in a low-key manner, and has a familiar assistant~ Although she is still a reserved and serious teacher, sometimes she will play some light and naughty games with her assistants.This time she seems to have gone a bit too far, but the assistant should be able to handle it, right? (ゝ∀・) I really like the little daily interactions between teachers and class representatives that are a little bit perverted and dirty but not too much (?). This time I'll put the excretory variant in the mystery code. --- SCAT變體已經伴隨神秘代碼發布,如果不會使用的可以透過pixiv私訊問我 SCAT variations have been released with the mysterious code. If you don’t know how to use it, you can ask me privately through pixiv. →https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx←



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