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畢竟是和心儀對象的第一次過夜,她努力想表現得像個成熟的女性,但最終還是回歸到熟悉的巨嬰狀態 當她一臉愧疚的跟你說她只是漏了一點點尿時,你不知道該不該相信她,畢竟滿床濃郁的尿騷味甚至可以把你薰醒,你根本不知道她到底尿了多少次,而且還會不會繼續尿。 After all, it was the first time she spent the night with her crush. She tried hard to act like a mature woman, but in the end she returned to the familiar giant baby state. When she tells you with a guilty look on her face that she just leaked a little bit of urine, you don't know whether to believe her or not. After all, the strong smell of urine in the bed can even wake you up.You have no idea how many times she has peed and whether she will continue to do so.



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