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I'm sure it's not controversial to say that this place has been rather dry lately, and I'd agree. My FANBOX page started off really strong when I was doing character sets and rewards monthly, it was even fun! But lately the resurgence of some unsavory events, constant irl grievance (someone slashing my tires and having to drop 600+ to get them all replaced, only for the back one to go flat a week later), and many other things have slowed my page down. I haven't done a character set in a while, despite really trying to get one done.

The other main thing holding me back has been my hand injury, which I had thought mostly went away back in 2020. However it returned middle of this year, and it limits my draw time drastically. Severe amounts of pain fill my knuckles and their joints, and if I try to work through it the pain spreads to my palm tendons.

Suffice to say, doing commissions, a character set, and tier rewards is simply too much to handle with the state my hand is in.

This started back in November but I thought I could laugh it off, however it's become a reccomendation I must take seriously. Starting officialy today I'm going to have to put all of FANBOX on a big pause, which means character sets and rewards. The rewards already assigned to the $20 tier raffle have been logged as commissions and will be completed during the year, though timeframe is hard to reason given some days I don't even draw and my hand is flaring up.

I will do my best to complete my backlog and return to doing FANBOX sets and rewards once the workload as a whole is more managable, but right now I physically can't do it all.




So, technically with this inconvenient, you recommend us to stop paying you until you can return and complete the previous stuff? Because I mean, if there is a pause, so paying monthly will be kind of useless as well, right?


You can do what you want, like I said on Twitter this page was always meant to be a tip jar with perks, but grew out of hand. If you want to continue to donate monthly you're allowed to, but rewards from here on are currently paused.


I see, for such case, until everything is fine again, I guess I can hold the donations. THanks