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搾取時間が終わると、いつものように両手に鉄枷を嵌められ、牢屋の中に用意されたベッドでバハクはヘトヘトになったその体を休めるのだが、その夜は違った。 毎日のように続く精液搾取。 クローン兵器開発に使用する彼のDNAを採取するときに興奮剤や媚薬、精液増量剤を使う。 夜にはその効果も切れ、バハクはひと時の平穏を過ごすわけだがその日の夜は体の火照りがいつまでも続き、勃起も収まらず脈打ち、意識も虚ろでもっと射精したいと身体が訴えかけてくる。 「なんだ・・・今日もあれほど抜かれたというのに・・・・なにかおかしい・・・」 一日中続く、精液を作らせては射精させるという繰り返しの行為で身体の負担は半端ないはずなのになぜかムラムラする。ベッドで横たわっていても興奮状態で眠れない。 時間が経っても続く体から吹き出る汗、ボーッとする頭。 仕方なく自分で自慰行為をしようとするが疲労と重い鉄枷でうまくいかず、パンツの上から竿を握るのが精いっぱいだった。 「く・・・なぜこんな欲求が・・・」 とそこへ、看守としてバハクの牢にいつも配備されている2人が鍵を開けて入ってくる。 「なんだ・・・?」 「おやおや?なにか騒がしいと思ったらバハクさん具合が悪いのかな?」 ニヤニヤとしながら横たわるバハクの前に現れた一人は狼獣人。 「アニキ、こいつこんなに勃起してますぜ?あんなに活用されてるのになぁ」 嬉しそうに勃起を眺めるもう一人は熊獣人。どうやら狼の子分のような立ち位置らしい。 「どうした?体が疼いて仕方ないのか?俺達が可愛がってやろうか」 「ふざけるな・・・ほっといてくれ!」 「あんな呻き声出しといてほっといてくれだぁ?うるせーんだよ!」 自分はそんな呻き声を出していたのかとボーっとする頭で考えながら収まらない股間を両手で隠そうとするが狼が手を払いのけ、バハクのチンポを強く握った。 「あうっ!!」 「いいから、そっちの壁に両手をついて立ちな!子猫ちゃん」 心身共に限界だったバハクはどうすることもできず、なにをされるかなど考えるよりただこいつらが早く出て行ってくれるならという気持ちでフラフラと壁に両手をつく。すると熊が早速パンツの裾からバハクのチンポを握った。 「うぐっ・・・!!」 ビクンとするバハク。薬が残っているせいで軽く握られただけでチンポに電流が走る。 「うは・・・先走りでパンツの中もすでにグチョグチョですよ!すげぇ脈打ってる・・・。」 熊はその我慢汁を使ってバハクの極太チンポをゆっくりストロークする。押し寄せる快感にバハクは身をよじらせた。 「ぐっ・・・ぐぅ・・・」 「気持ちいいかバハクさんよ。手コキだけで体がブルブル震えてるぜ?」 狼はパンツの上から溢れ出る我慢汁を指で掬うとペロリと舐めて笑う。 いいように弄ばれている羞恥心より、内側から溢れ出るただ「出したい」という肉体の生理現象に思考は蝕まれ、ストロークの動きに合わせて次第に腰を振ってしまうバハク。 「あぐうぅぅ・・・!!で・・出るっ!!」 あっという間に声を出さないように堪えながらバハクはパンツの中に大量に射精する。勢いよく鈴口から吐き出された精液は布を通り越しパンツの上から盛大に垂れ流れた。 「おおお・・・・すげぇ一杯出たな!ちょっと盛りすぎたか?」 「ワハハ、こんなに出したのにまだガチガチですよアニキ!」 「ハァ・・・ハァ・・・ハァ・・・・」 地面にボタボタと音を出しながら落ちるザーメンを眺めながらバハクは狼の言葉と一向に萎えない自身のイチモツに唖然とした。 「・・・盛りすぎただと?・・・お前達まさか・・・・・。」 「ハハッ・・・おまえがいやらしすぎるんだよ!毎日ここで働く俺らもあんな恰好で搾取されるやおまえ見てるとムラムラしてくるってもんよ!」 「意外とバレなかったスよねぇ。中でボスが横通って時にはヒヤっとしましたが」 「まさか薬の量を増やしたのか!?」 「掃除に入るフリしてちょっとな。このいやらしい体で遊んでみたくなるってもんよ」 そういうと狼はバハクの胸を後ろから揉むと乳首を指先で転がして楽しむ。ズボンからはすでに勃起したチンポを露出させ、バハクのケツに擦り付けている。 「や・・・やめろっ!!」 熊はバハクのベトベトになったパンツを脱がし、そのザーメンをバハクのチンポに塗り広げてゆっくりと更なるストロークを始める。 狼の先走りでヌルヌルになったバハクのケツにあてがわれた狼のチンポは次第にバハクの中へ入っていく。 「うぐ・・・ぐうぅぅ!」 「おぉぉぉ気持ちいい・・・!!ボスのチンポでガバガバマンコになってると思いきやこいつはとんだ名器だぜ!!」 「アニキのチンポが入る度こっちのチンポもビクビクして喜んでる・・・ザーメンでテカテカに光ってエロいなぁ~」 狼は今までのムラムラを発散させるように激しくバハクを突き上げる。それに負けないように熊も亀頭を舐めながらザーメンでグチャグチャになったバハクのチンポを扱き上げた。 「ああっ!!あっ・・あ!!ぐあぁぁぁ!!」 バハクはまだ薬が残っているのか、すぐに何度も少量の射精を繰り返している。チンポの先から流れるザーメンは常に熊の手やキンタマを伝い、地面を汚していく。 そして男達の呻く声と激しい吐息、卑猥な液体が擦れる音が夜の牢屋に響き渡る中、ついに狼が限界を迎えた。 「たまんねぇっ!!こいつの中こんなに気持ちいいだなんて・・・俺のチンポに絡みついて・・・ぐぅぅもうダメだっ!!」 躍動する狼のチンポが射精時にバハクの前立腺を刺激したのか、バハクも大きく仰け反って大量の射精をした。 「うおぉぉぉぉ!!!」 「ぐ・・・・ぐあぁぁぁぁぁ!!!」 どこにこれだけため込んでいたのかと思えるほどの量をまき散らすバハク。狼は満足そうにバハクの中に吐精を続け、その股間を白く染め、ズボンを伝って足元へとザーメンが流れる。 「スゲ・・・あの薬ってこんなに出せるようになるのか?次俺も突っ込んだらまだ出るかな?アニキ」 「ハァハァ・・・朝までまだまだ時間あるからな、こいつがまだ出せるのか見てみようぜ」 ぐったりと地面に倒れたバハクの態勢を変えると熊は自分のズボンのジッパーを下げるのだった。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 囚われのバハクは毎回大変な目に合ってらっしゃいますねwこの看守二人もいじったら面白そうと思いながら描いてましたw When the exploitation time was over, his hands were shackled as usual, and Bahak rested his exhausted body on the bed prepared in the prison, but that night was different. Semen exploitation continues almost every day. They use stimulants, aphrodisiacs, and semen extenders when collecting his DNA for use in developing cloning weapons. At night, the effect wears off and Bahak spends a moment of peace, but that night his body continues to burn, his erection doesn't subside and his pulse beats, his consciousness is empty, and his body is begging him to ejaculate more. “What… I was overtaken that much today too… something isn’t right…” The repetitive act of making semen and ejaculation that lasts all day shouldn't take much of a toll on my body, but for some reason I feel horny. Even when I'm lying in bed, I'm so excited that I can't sleep. The sweat that continues to flow from my body as time passes, and my head feels dazed. He reluctantly tried to masturbate by himself, but due to fatigue and the heavy iron shackles, he was unable to do so, and all he could do was hold his cock through his pants. "...Why do I have such a desire..." Just then, the two guards who are always stationed in Bahak's prison unlock the door and enter. "what···?" "Oh my gosh? I thought something was making a fuss, so maybe Mr. Bahak is not feeling well?" One person who appeared in front of Bahak, who was lying grinning, was a wolf beastman. "Bro, this guy has such an erection? He's being used so much by them." The other man who is happily looking at his erection is a bear beastman. It seems that he is standing like a wolf's henchman. "What's wrong? Is your body aching and you can't help it? Should we take care of it?" "Don't be silly...leave me alone!" "Are you asking me to leave you alone when you moan like that? You're so annoying!" He tried to cover his crotch with both hands, wondering if he was moaning like that, but the wolf swung his hands away and gripped Bahak's cock tightly. “Aaah!!” "Okay, stand there with your hands on the wall! Kitten." Bahak, who was at the limit both mentally and physically, couldn't do anything, and instead of thinking about what he might do to him, he just put his hands on the wall, hoping that these guys would leave quickly. Then the bear immediately grabbed Bahak's cock from the hem of his underwear. "Ugh...!!" Bahak is startled. Due to the residual drug, an electric current runs through his cock just by squeezing it lightly. "Wow...his underwear is already soaked with the pre-release liquid! His pulse is throbbing..." Bear uses the precum to slowly stroke Bahak's thick cock. Bahak squirmed at the rush of pleasure. "Grrrrrr..." "Does it feel good, Bahak? Your body is shaking just from the handjob, isn't it?" The wolf scoops up his precum overflowing from his underwear with his fingers, licks it and laughs. Bahaku's thoughts are eroded by the physiological phenomenon of his body, which overflows from within and just wants to ``come out'', rather than the shame of being played with, and he gradually shakes his hips in time with the movement of the stroke. "Aguu...!!...I'm cumming!!" In the blink of an eye, Bahak ejaculates in large quantities into his underwear while trying not to make a sound. The semen that was forcefully expelled from the tip of his cock passed through the cloth and dripped onto his underwear. "Wow...that's a lot! Did I overdos it?" "Haha, I'm still rock hard after ejaculating so much, bro!" "Huff...huff...huff" Bahak was stunned by the wolf's words and his own unrelenting cum as he watched the semen dripping onto the ground. "...Did you give me too much medicine?...You guys never expected..." "Haha... you're so erotic! Even those of us who work here every day get horny when we see you being exploited in such a way!" "Surprisingly, the strategy went well. There were times when the boss passed by inside and I got scared." “Did you increase the amount of medicine?” "Just pretend to be cleaning. We also want to play with that naughty body." With that, the wolf massages Bahak's breasts from behind and enjoys rolling the nipples between his fingertips. His already erect penis is exposed through his pants and he is rubbing it against Bahak's ass. "No...stop it!!" Bear removes Bahak's sticky underwear, spreads his semen on Bahak's cock, and slowly begins to stroke him further. The wolf's cock, which was placed on Bahak's ass, which became slimy with the wolf's precum, gradually entered Bahak. "Ugh... ugh!" "Oh, it feels so good...!! I thought it was getting loose from the boss's cock. This guy is such a masterpiece!!" "Every time Bro's cock enters, his cock twitches and he's happy... it's shiny and shiny with semen, so erotic." The wolf pushes Bahak up violently as if to release his horniness. Not to be outdone, Bear handled Bahak's semen-covered cock while licking the glans. "Ah!! Ah...ah!! Argh!!" Perhaps there was still some medicine left in Bahak, as he ejaculated in small amounts over and over again. The semen flowing from the tip of the cock always flows down the bear's hands and balls, staining the ground. As the men's groans, heavy breaths, and the sounds of obscene liquid rubbing echoed through the night prison, the wolf finally reached its limit. "I can't stand it!! I can't believe it feels so good inside him... Wrapped around my cock... Grrgh, I can't do it anymore!!" Perhaps the pulsating wolf's cock stimulated Bahak's prostate when he ejaculated, and Bahak also arched back and ejaculated in large quantities. “Oooooo!!!” "Gu...guaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Bahak spreads an unbelievable amount of semen. The wolf seems satisfied and continues to ejaculate inside Bahak, dyeing his crotch white and semen flowing down his pants and down to his feet. "Wow... Will that drug make me able to ejaculate so much into him? Will I still be able to ejaculate a lot the next time I have sex with him? Bro." "Haha... There's still time until morning, so let's see if this guy can still come out." Bahak, who was lying limp on the ground, changed his position and the bear lowered the zipper of his pants.




バハクさんかわいそうに…… このような悲劇を繰り返さないためにも熊ボスや研究員さんたちに搾精時にもっと頑張ってもらって、バハクさんに一滴たりとも残さぬように搾りに搾り尽くしてから牢屋に戻す必要があるのではないでしょうか。🥰









