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We'll focus on Hancock comic, next update will be with Yamato.




But how many pages will the "Beast Pirate" comic strip run, and when will it be released?


Why is it not just page 5


This is awesome and great plans ahead too


What ever happen to part 2 and 3 of the yamato mini comic


Where android 18 comic at?


I need more an more and more nico robin please!! ❤💋🤗🥰😘 i love your arts of her so much!! In the future, please please i beg you, i need so much a full comic of her but in clothes of egghead island 🥰🥰🥰🥰 is so erotic and perfect


Hey, tried messaging you but the site didn't let me, so I'm leaving what I wanted to message here. Hopefully you see it; I wrote the same message in discord as well. A suggestion for the beast pirates comic. You can potentially have a scene or sequence where Nami and Ulti are having a "battle" on who can survive Zeus the longest. Zeus in stick form (alternating it's form) is having sex with both Nami and Ulti. The girls trying to one up each other (Ulti saying Kaido is strongest, Nami saying Luffy will be king etc...) keep demanding more from "sex toy" Zeus. For example making him DP them, and finally shocking them while he's in them, to give them an ultimate organism. Just a thought.