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How long can a training session last? To find that out, our scientists took a trainee and put her through a “neverending session” under medical conditions. The trainee is equipped with electric pads that jolt them awake with a ticklish sensation that stimulates the nerve endings in a large area around the pads, should they fall asleep during the session. A large vibrating tool is then inserted that stimulates the trainee based on their neural activity. If the trainee is awake, a mild vibration is enough to keep them on the edge. However: Should they show signs of falling asleep the tool changes to full strength, waking the trainee up with multiple strong orgasms. If that fails, the electric pads kick in. Of course, the trainee is maintained well through an intravenous solution that provides them with everything they need~ Let’s check back in a month or so, shall we~



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