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ウルフの気性に対応しきれない町の人々は、ウルフを街の錬金術師のもとに送り込むことにしました。数日前から、彼女を落ち着かせるために様々な薬草や蒸気を浴びせていたが、ようやく効果があるものが見つかったようだ!赤っぽい煙が出る珍しいお香は、狼が吸い込むと、彼女をおとなしくしてムラムラするペットに変えてしまう。また、青みがかったハーブを焚くと、元の状態に戻ります。人間はついに狼を家畜化する方法を発見したようだ! With the townsfolk being unable to deal with Wolf’s temperament, they decided to send her to the city’s alchemist for help. She’s been subject to various herbs and vapors to try and calm her down for a few days now and it finally seems like they found something that worked! A rare incense that produces a reddish smoke turns her into a docile and horny pet whenever it’s inhaled by wolf. To snap her out of it, a fresh blueish herb is burned which brings her back to her old self. It seems like the humans have finally found a way to domesticate Wolf!



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