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Harvesting magical energy to keep all the magical creatures and servants happy is quite the chore. Good thing we turned it into a fun activity for everyone involved, by adjusting the training sessions of magically adept trainees so they generate all the magical energy we need while being trained. Now that’s efficient, isn’t it? Sometimes things go a bit wrong though, such as here. A beginner summoner was forced to practice summoning otherworldly beings into our realm when she accidentally opened the gates to a dimension full of slimy tentacles, which immediately started toying with her – even going as far as lifting her up from her summoning circle and diminishing any chance she had of banishing the beast back to where it came from. Now the tentacles are exploring every inch of her body, crawling deep into her most private parts and bringing her orgasm after orgasm with no end in sight. Of course we could step in to help – but she seems to be enjoying her demise quite a lot~ Let’s see how long she lasts before we call the training a success~



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