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Hi loves,

bit of a bad message today. As you may have noticed image output has been steadily declining the past months and I wanted to get you in the loop of what's going on, how we got here, and how we hopefully fix that in the future.

A few months ago I woke up with a tingling feeling in my right hand, the one I use to draw. At that point, I didn't think much of it. I thought I maybe slept badly or had a magnesium deficit. As the weeks passed it got worse and worse though and we're now at a point where the movement of my right hand is limited paired with pain and sensory issues.

In early April I got a specialist appointment to figure out what's causing it, though from the looks of it it's nerve damage. The doctors I've been to all assured me not to worry and that it's most likely fixable, however with my job depending on it I need to be sure about that before doing any treatments that could potentially also make it worse.

What does that mean for you?

Mainly that I can't guarantee my output anymore. This month I fought as much as possible to get the 12 images done, however, it just didn't work out. Right now it looks like 9 for January. I'll also be unable to do as many commissions as before simply because I can't promise they'll be done in a timely manner.

When will it be fixed?

I could probably get a surgery appointment around September / October this year. The hospitals (the good ones) don't offer any earlier appointments for non-necessary treatments due to the ongoing situation.

Now I wish I could tell you more, tell you when everything will be back to normal, or give you a diagnosis of what it is but I'm afraid at this point I don't know much more either.

I know this is quite frustrating and I understand if a lower output is unsatisfying to the point of you wishing to not support me anymore. Please know that I am super thankful for all of you though and I sincerely hope that everything will be good again as soon as possible.

Much love,



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