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分頁: https://sta.sh/252rr9csuf5 Sorry for long absence… To be honest, I could’ve finished this drawing last week… but as usual, I end up seeing errors here and there, and thought fuk it and end up spending extra time perfecting the drawing haha XD Due to my first friend got busy and no longer help me on making a 3D background, I struggled quite a bit and been putting off working on this drawing since end of last year… It was the right decision because not only it allows me to have a change of mood by making new sketch, but also let me reduce stress from this difficult drawing… Now coming back on this drawing, I noticed quite a few errors I didn’t see previously, and made sure I got everything perfect this time around!~ Although there is only 15 pages, this drawing felt like eternity to work through… drawing the babies was definitely not fun at all! Shading their hair was extremely tiring, not to mention both girls have 2 babies each which make the drawing feels even more tiresome… It doesn’t help when I realized the hair I drew back in December was wrong, so I had to go back and fix the hair for all the babies =w= The position of their prolapse is also wrong, despite I spend ages making sure they were correct when I sketch it………… Took ages to fix everything since their vagina changed shape soooo many times in this set… Orz To end the set on a high note, I decide to draw cum all over their body at the end… but after spending like 2 whole days just drawing cum on the girls, I realize my method of drawing cum is pretty bad… In order to achieve the feeling I want, I end up trying out a few cum brush on CSP’s asset store, and was able to find a brush that somewhat works for me… I still end up spending a whole day drawing this new improved cum on the girls lol =w= but it does look a lot better compare to before~ Lastly, I was lucky that one of my client friend knows how to use blender~ He made me this toilet scene super fast, and after some paint over I was able to get a background that looks 100x better than what I drew back in 2019 XDDD I am soooooo happy with how this background turned out~ I hope this help elevate the overall mood of this drawing~ ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ Although now this drawing is finished, since not all of you will like the toilet background, I plan to make an alternative version later this week… Hopefully I will finish it in no time and release the long-awaited content pack soon haha XD With the recent bullshit on Gumroad, what do you guys think will be the best way to release the content pack?? Pixiv Booth (RAR file should be okay right?)?





Thanks for the update, Great as always Now, I'm waiting for the translation


謝謝呢~(人 •͈ᴗ•͈) 新包應該會在月尾出售~ 現在的問題是發布在哪個平台? 可能會用Pixiv booth? 但Gumroad那邊好像在裝死,所以可能偷偷在Gumroad發布也没問題?「(゚ペ)


Thanks ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) The translation is almost complete~ I will upload the set with the translation on Saturday night!~


更新お疲れ様です。 私は女の子たちのほうに注目してしまいますが、公共の場での露出なども好きです(笑)。違った背景もあると良さそうですね!




正直に言うと、私は女の子を描くことだけが好きです。 しかし、背景は絵に設定を与えるのに役立ち、シーンをよりエロくします。だから背景を描くのは好きじゃないけどやらざるを得ない... =3= コメントありがとうございます~


如果只能用paypal的情况,其實可以DM我直接購買喔 (>ᴗ•) !