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It has been a while since the last update… Originally I planned to finish Atago x Takao drawing before Christmas, but at this rate there is no way I can do it on time… Recently I got very sick, it is only a seasonal flu not Covid, but my body feel so poor that I had to stay in bed for days… I am still not recovered, feeling a bit lightheaded with very bad headache etc… Gosh I hate being sick TwT Since last time I adjusted the hair colour a bit, then I also drew their skimpy wedding outfit~ As for the preggo bellies, I decided to try something different… I made their belly button a lot bigger than usual, since the whole belly expands I figure this should also get bigger too… I also added veins to show how much it stretch their bellies~ As for the prolapse.. gosh I duno what’s wrong with me these days… No matter how hard I tried to make it accurate in the sketch, it always end up looking incorrect and I had to draw it a few times until I get it accurate =3= Anyway hope you like the progress so far! Sorry for not able to finish this in time >A< A small life update… Early this year I mention I have to move out of Hong Kong due to my dad’s retirement? Well I will be moving end of this month (another reason why I cannot finish this drawing asap), but good news is that I can stay in Hong Kong thanks to a relative! After learning my situation, my nice aunt agrees to let me rent a small flat from her for a very reasonable price! The only downside is that this place is remote af so getting food and grocery will be very problematic =x= But hey, at least this means I won’t have to worry about my hentai collections huh XDDD but ya… will need some time to move and settle into the new flat end of this year… but I will do my best to get Atago x Takao finished asap! Thank you sooo much for you guy’s support! >3< Other previews: https://sta.sh/2l3v4kk9wog




私も先月、インフルエンザで高熱が出て4日くらい苦しみました。今も鼻水が出やすい後遺症?が残っています。 芝士糖様も、お大事になさってください。今回も素敵なイラストですね。個人的に裸にハイヒールとかも大好きです(笑)。無理なさらずに、ゆっくりで良いかと思いますので、また次回投稿を楽しみにしています!


災難ですね… お早い回復を願っております~( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ ありがとう!〜 頑張って描いているのですが、赤ちゃんを描くのがとても難しいです。(ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣) これからは引っ越しなどで忙しくなりますが、この絵を完成させるまでにはもう少し時間がかかります。申し訳ありません( ´_ノ` )