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I am happy to say, I finally finished linearting all the characters in this onsen drawing!!! What initially thought to be just re-lining all character with maybe a couple of small fixes, ends up being a full-scale redraw… I honestly didn’t expect literally all characters have very noticeable errors, I guess this is what happens when the drawing get upscale sooo much huh… XD Most of the girls suffer from problem such as breast being too high, neck isn’t long enough, shoulder and waist too wide etc… But for Noshino and Fusou, their whole bottom half is completely wrong… Then Taihou’s head is tiny, and Azuma’s right hand just looks very very weird… I also drew a brand new Suruga since the old version looks very unattractive… Now that I finished finalizing all the characters, I adjust some of the characters placement making them feel more natural~ (So Hakuryuu won’t be smiling at nobody LOL) I also moved Hanazuki in front of Ibuki so it looks more interesting on the colours~ Lastly, I included a GIF showing all major previous version of this drawing… Kinda crazy how many changes this drawing received lol Gonna take 1 day break then slowly start colouring this enormous drawing… Wish me luck… >A< I hope you guys like the WIP so far~




man this is such a huge project XD. so nice to see the gif showing all previous versions. this is going to be an epic masterpiece once its done XD. after this is done maybe do some other faction XD. go do dem all~ haha


Haha I really hope this will turn into a masterpiece lol Ehhh XD? Something like this scale will be too time consuming and too much effort lol, I won’t dare to do this big again XD Although I am currently considering might do a drawing featuring 3-7 Dragon Empery shipgirls at once~ will see how that goes~~


Something I do want to add tho, 2 years ago I did think about the possibility of drawing something similar for other factions… For example the Azur Baseball team was meant to be a series of drawings featuring 21 Eagle Union girls, then Azur Café was Royal Navy theme, Iron blood girls for Race Queen theme etc. But in the end all of these ideas got reduce into small single drawings because of workload & time issue. xD


All characters have been redrawn I hope the teacher will not make the background too complicated Add too much stress and start insomnia...


Yep~ I am really happy that all characters now look a lot better than before~(^ω^) Ya.. I hope the background won’t be too difficult… (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )