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分頁: https://sta.sh/2vepkxljgcf 貝爾法斯特的便服超美,想畫很久但又想不出主題…想了很久就想到2少女一起吃梳乎厘班戟的主題了~ 本來想畫貝爾法斯特和企業一起,但由於我想背面的女生穿VKS,所以最後就改用天狼星了,因為露背的話短髮比較合適〜 今次超難畫,11月開始畫的草圖,因為太難畫一直放置到現在才完成…好在有我朋友Takuya幫手弄了個3D模型給我參考,才終於成功把這個畫出來~ 希望大家喜歡~ Really like Belfast’s casual outfit, so for quite some time I wanted to draw her in that outfit but just can’t think of the theme… After some time I thought of this idea where the girls can enjoy fuwafuwa pancakes together~! Originally it was going to be Belfast with Enterprise, but since I want the backfacing girl to wear VKS, so I end up using Sirius instead since short hair can show her bare backs better~ Struggle really really hard on this drawing, I started sketching in early November but postpone it until now due to the difficulty… Since it is quite hard to get the perspective and pose looking right… With the help of my friend Takuya making me a 3d model reference, I manage to finally sketch this idea down ^^ Hope you guys like this~




Man, one after another you keep doing these fantastic works! Super excited for when the next pack comes out, so much delicious content!


Can belfast feed me too? Xd


Man I wish belfast can feed me as well, would be even better if it is with her breast ( ◞・౪・)