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剛剛才發現,這張草稿原來是三個月前畫的 剛完成了里諾的上色~ 呀...今次這個背景會很難畫呢...超不想畫Orz It’s kinda crazy to think that… This sketch was actually done back in July lol XDDD Just finish colouring Reno’s nude body!~ Man… The outfit will be quite tiring to do… but worst of all, I am soooo not looking forward to work on that background >A< wish me luck…




Good luck!!! She looks absolutely gorgeous so I’m sure it’ll be more than worth it!


Thank you~ really glad you liking her so far~ although kinda regret I cropped her other leg haha... oh well XD I will give the BG my best~( ᐛ )و