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屈強な女傭兵ですよ~皆さんw 現時点ではキャラの詳細についてはまだ何もあかしません。なので皆さん想像してください、この屈強な女傭兵の弱点を、どんな顔で笑い悶えるのかを・・・乞うご期待!!

Hello everyone. Thank you for your continued support. This is Bochobocho.

I have an announcement to make to you all. It is that I am currently working on a tickling doujinshi manga of my original character. Actually, it has been my dream for a long time. Ever since I first encountered the works of G3, a well-known veteran tickle artist in my youth, I have been thinking, "Someday I will draw my own tickle manga! I have been determined to do so. Finally, I started working on it a few months ago, and it will be completed by the end of this month! (Too late to report!)

I don't know if there will be a demand for it, but I will post the process of its creation this month. As a first step, I would like to show you a rough sketch of the main character!

She is a strong female mercenary. We will not reveal any details of the character at this time, so please imagine what this strong female mercenary would look like when she is tickled and how she would laugh.......!

To be continued.



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