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Until now, as a benefit to our continuing supporters, I have posted a link to a zip file of the super high resolution + black bar censored version in my art, but from now on, I will send the zip file of the MEGA link directly to you using the message simultaneous send (OTAYORI) function.

I will keep the zip file for about 6 months as long as the MEGA capacity allows. With this change, you should be able to download it later whenever you want, even if you forget to download it.

also, I plan to include a PDF version for viewing on smartphones. However, this may not be feasible due to resolution issues, etc... I'm considering this.

Currently, I'm sending individual messages to those who were omitted from the simultaneous mailing, but from May onward, I plan to send only the simultaneous mailing. However, due to the sudden change, I will continue to send individual messages to those who were omitted from the April mailing. (Sorry to those who have been sent duplicate messages!)

For the mini CG sets that I upload from time to time, I will basically post direct zip links to them without a deadline.


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