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============================= GOAL UPDATE - We actually did pretty good last month despite not having a new animation for almost a month cuz i was working on Kanna. We Reached about 2730$ NOT BAD. -But now it's a new month and our Funding has rested, yet again, coming down to 2163$. It's not bad, it aint worse than May's drop Ayayayyaaaaa -We will now need to secure the Funds for the next Animation. -2200$ Fast Fuck Loop -2600$ Voice Overs -3200$ COOM SCENE - check the channel #goal-count in Discord to keep track of our Funding ============================== CONTENT SCHEDOOL ~My Work Hours is Divided by 6hours of Animations then Followed by 6hours of Fruit Girl Stuff. Animations take WAY much Longer Time than Comic Pages or Pics(a Total of about 58 hours+), this why only One shows up in the schedule~ - Last Part of Fruit Babies lands on 7th ~9th - PPAP page 10 lands on 14th to 16th - Berry Pic Lands on 16th~19th - ILULU ANIMATION lands on 19th~21 - PPAP page 11 lands on July 1~3 D'x (The Schedule will be Pushed back if some random thing happens IRL, or will be Pulled back earlier if I am Motivated and POWERED Enough.) -If you noticed, June 22~ 30 is empty, Well because this month is gonna be SUPERRr Hectic for me. My Brother is Getting Married. There's gonna be a lot of family from other countries coming to our place so it's less likely that i will be able to work. Now, I fuckin' LOOoove to work, proven by the fact that I got Depressingly bored during my brother's Bachelor's party last month (which is part of the reason things got pushed in the schedule last month )cuz i couldn't work at all. SOo I will attempt to work during that week, particularly getting PPAP p11 to publish within June, we just can' t expect anything to happen on June 22 to 28. ============================== Im really happy that for once, after making loli shit, my pledge numbers didnt drop the next month. Kanna actually pretty much carried last month's funding. And Kanna was only published to sites that Want her. Imagine if I wouldn't get Castrated on other sites if i posted Kanna. Oh Well~ Anyways, Thank you all for your support, The voices in my head are decreasing because of you peeps so I really appreciate you. Bye~


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