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DECEPTION CONTENT Its overall an Animation month with Primus getting Dickled. MAYBE i can finish the page this month, but i wouldnt expect it. Ill likely finish animations but still have to do the Audio. I'd likely finish this page on the first half of September---OH MY GOD, ITS ALWAYS SEPTEMBER DUDE. SEPTEMBER ALWAYS MONTH OF DECEPTION. WHY. OH MY LORD. =================================================== JUIZZY FRUITS CONTENT Im doing Starr's Blowjob animation, One scene of Washed Ashore Page, and Supa Secret Animation. ==================================================== GENSHIN SEX PACT OKAY. So for those who pledged for GSP, GSPs not happening until I finish the Deception Page. The work on one thing for one month then when month's over, put the shit on hiatus and work on another thing' thing just isn't gonna work. It would be around 6 months before I can actually present/publish a 'complete' product to everyone to see if i take that approach. No Finished product on 6 months? I'd be financially fucked by then. The best approach is to finish one thing first before another, At least a presentable part of it. So again, GSP content wont be happening til' the half of September. Check #Ploxy-Wips or #Orange-Chat to see Work-in-Progress stuff and progress report.



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