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Mandatory Message telling you to Check your DMs because i have sent the Archive links. If you believe your pledge has been processed but have not received an Archive Link, then let me know. I give out Archive links Manually and it is prone to Human Error. ======NEWS====== So Ive announced last month that im going off country to settle some Matters back at my BirthCountry Philippines. BUT Shit's Changed, We figured Shit Out, We Found LE WAE. This makes me very happy because now i can just keep on working. Imagine if I actually went home, Then the only shit you'll see from me are PICS, CUZ I DONT HAVE MY STATION, I CAN ONLY USE WHATEVER MY IPAD GIVES ME. anyways, I am le Happy Boi now, cuz now i can see far ahead into Le Future, As Bright as Le Day..As In I Can Schedule Shit much clearly now. =======FOR THIS MONTH===== Ive scheduled Finishing 2 animations. One is supposed to come out last month but i was blackpilled as hell. cuz of the foreboding thought of leaving my station for about a month or even more, it literally Crippled MY MIND. Until it Changed. Now I am At le Peace. Another Animation is a Comission, yet again, yes there's about 4 more commissions...Anyways. This Animation's about A Female Garchomp and a Male Charizard. You get the Picture. Other Stuff is just ONE Washed Ashore page, BUT ITS ANIMATED. Gonna do a Frame by Frame for this one. If this manages to scratch out one single day from the calendar then I can bring Another Washed Ashore Page this Month. =======ABOUT DECEPTION AND PRODICHI======== The 10 Deception Pages --> 10 Prodichi Pages --> 10 Washed Ashore Pages (Then repeat) is still a deal..................... BUT As you know, washed ashore isnt even released yet, and im basically gonna die if I dont release the First part. And I cant release it if its not 'Presentable' Enough. There's about 9 more lewd pages, 8 non-lewd Pages, and 2 Repaint Pages in order to be complete....SOOoooOOOOO Im gonna finish These things first BEFORE we go into the Deal. That way, Juizzy Fruits has some PRESTIGE attached to it. Now if you excuse me, i better run off now before someone Bashes my head into the Keyboard for breaking promiseASICBiasIJCNaBIIJBAS vi ivbijbACSJB DV J BAVISChb IAu SACUhiASC UHASCUH


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