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====ARCHIVE SENT!======= Ive sent out the Archive Links, so to any of you who have pledged and believe your Pledge has been Processed, DM me, it's likely i just passed over you since i do all this Manually. Fanbox and Substar dont give us the option to give Mass messages. ====GOODBYE 2020!======== So we started out with the Prodichi this year, sadly that never took off since scores are so low that instead of it Impressing me, it Depressed me, so I put it in the Back of the shit I need to work on..That would make it Behind Deception. Do people not know that I do Teaser stuff to Test the Waters and see if people even like them? GUESS FCKN NOT! -Patreon actively poached me to fck off their site so I fcked off their site and Founded Fanbox and Substar. Cant really say its been good After it cuz Finances have Plummeted to hell After the transfer. But even with that, i cannot believe how many of you actually followed me here, i feel very honored to have this much Hardcore peeps who will go out of the comfort zone just to support me. Thank you All so much. -DECEPTION-..same Shit like Prodichi, why am i not surprised. -I dropped everything entirely, including the Gavine Animation to focus on making some money cuz holee hell i am fcked financially. This never stopped me from doing the Halloween and Christmas(ITS ALMOST DONE OK JUST BARE WITH ME)bits btw, I feel like its very important to keep events like that. -COMMISSION LIMBO - what can i say, i am now in commission limbo cuz the shit has Piled the fck up. Not to worry, this only happened cuz of the Halloween and Christmas stuff, and I got Covid this December. 2020 was shit, every light i threw into the world has been snuffed out.. But at the same time, Im kind of glad i tried. Now back to Purgatory. ==2021??==== We're In Commission Limbo right now, everything is at a Halt, the Dreams i mean, the Projects, they're on halt, on a LIMBO. Things i will tell you may or may not happen depending on how long ill be stuck here. These are the Ones that I can Actually expect the LEAST for 2021. But it's not limited to these, depends how fast the Support Numbers Grow. But here goes, some Side Fruit Content-- Just stuff/Gags ill make to keep the Juizzy Fruits Pulse Pumping. WASHED ASHORE FIRST PART-- The First Part mainly revolves around Kiwi, Gava, and Berry. Will need to stop it Right there cuz I need to show you what Peachy is like first before what comes next. Im planning to make Peachy x Korl Movie Animation Im Planning to Finish Gavine Animation this year too There is No sign of Working on Deception this year, Or Prodichi for that matter. But who facken knows, maybe a fckng miracle happens where all the money problems will just go away D:. I Prioritize the ones above because They're a Proving Grounds to what I can do with my skill. People forget how much i can actually do, its pretty much why im still struggling financially, kind of pisses me off, but what can ya do other than work for it, eh? I can Prove stuff with Deception and Prodichi, but those are looOOOOOOONG projects. These movies i plan for 2021 are Short, so it's more chances of Actually Finishing it. ======== WELP that wraps this post up! Hope u stick around.



It's a shame more people didn't like those comics, I loved both the Prodichi, and Deception. Have been following you for I dunno how long now came over here from Patron, read every chapter watched all the animations pictures art etc. Love it all.