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metagです。 前回投稿した、ゆかりちゃんの教室脱ぎの追加差分をアップしました。 膣穴くぱぁ、子宮出し、妊婦・母乳差分です。 お好きな方は、お楽しみいただければ幸いです。 [高画質ファイル] 2023→[0609]→  yukaricrm-230614HQ02 (木本ゆかり、膣穴KP・子宮差分)  yukaricrm-230614HQ03 (木本ゆかり、妊娠差分) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ipbvmafpr3ihus9/AABruAkoilAL3yKIjwf_Qfc8a?dl=0 (上のURLは不定期に変更されます。これは2023年06月中のURLです)



追加差分アップありがとうございますッッッ!!! ゆかりちゃんとの連戦が実現して睾丸が全力疾走とまりませんぬwww metagさんに感謝ッッッ!!!


As a long time reader and subscriber of your work, I would like to give you a piece of advice: When creating your sex scenes, you can try to draw all the male characters nude, like you have done in the past on Dead or Alive . Doing this will definitely make your piece look bolder, and it just might work wonders.


ptd101さん、ありがとうございます。 お楽しみいただければ幸いです!


Thank you for your feedback. I mainly want to express the female body, so I try not to draw male characters as much as possible. If I mainly draw sexual acts, I plan to draw men as well.


guess I should have made it clearer: if you only want to show female characters' bodies, you should at least draw male characters so that they seem more intimate with female characters. For example [[0130]石田渚I字バランス] the male in HQ03, if you didn't drew the clothes, I would at least feel that he was totally involved in the sex with nagaiji, but unfortunately, this guy feels exactly like a zombie.(○'◡'○)ノ


Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry, but I didn't understand very well. I often draw men so that they do not stand out and have no presence. It may not be what you want. Please understand.