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@Commissioners and those who are considering it!

In regards to commission, currently I have 28 people to work with.

I haven't been accepting more commissioner since a month ago sosome people were curious about the details of my future plan of it!

My basic future plan is to finish the current list, have a bit of break to recharge and update the commission method for the future set of people!

The reason of planning a change is following:

- I have been reaching to the point that when I accept commission non-limited, it reaches 40+ people! It's a lot of people to face in one turn, especially a lot of them return right back to their line after their turn! (Thank you sincerely though, I am super flattered that you trust me enough to continuously coming back to the line)

- And since the line of people are getting longer, it took longer to return to their turn, which made people ask me as much as they can within their turn, which made the line EVEN longer XD So the cycle became bigger and bigger

-> "Why is this a reason of change? Isn't it a good thing?"

Yes, it is! I am super happy that you guys are valuing my artworks and continuously having fun with me.

The issue is that in order keep the quality and speed to catch up with the ever growing list of people and amount they want ... I saw my limits. I noticed that I kept overworking and not having rest days nor weekend (except that one December break), constantly worrying about people waiting in line for me, since I know how annoying it can be to stay in line for months on end.

Many people have been patient with it which I appreciate but some was having a hard time with it, and tbh, I will always feel pressure KNOWING that people are waiting for me to get to their fun turn, even if no one complains.

I also worry about the quality of my work since I have noticing myself feeling the burnout, I didn't want to admit my own limits, but being creative yet also feeling rushed at the same time was starting to feel impossible, because I start to feel the damage being done to my overall health, even if I try to only work and do nothing else, keeping on work outs - eye sights and carpal tunnel becoming worse by looking at the screen for too long. Friends and doctors have started to tell me I should at least have my weekend and reduce the workload, I think I should start listening to them if I want to work with you longer and healthier!

-> What will be changed?

Details aren't decided yet, but one of the things I would be doing is to accept 10~20 people at a time, not going over any more than 20+. Since one of the main cause of rushing and not being able to rest fully is the fact that people are waiting in turn - Even during December rests, I couldn't shake off the feeling that 'I shouldn't be resting since those people are being nice to me but still waiting.'

If I have less people per set to worry about, I should be able to take time better and take rest during weekends, also don't have to rush on each drawing.

Another thing, which I have to change is the price. (YES, I know it is a sad news for most of you, I am sorry)

Mainly because of the financial inflation has been pretty bad in where I am at, since most of the living fees and bills have increased 20~30% over the 2 years I have been working.

Which is also part of why I had no choice but to work insanely to keep up with the pace of bills.

I will be as reasonable as possible with the pricing, so that I am not taking too much money off of you, just enough to keep up with my financial state and health!

I hope you can understand these changes in the future, and hopefully these aren't too damaging to you guys! Believe me that I am doing my best to be as reasonable as possible with all of you, the last thing I want to be is to be heartless not fun worker with you, I want to keep making better, fun content!

**Reward system will stay as it is, so on that regard, it will be the same for you supporters!


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