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We apologize for the very long delay in posting as we do every time.

I am very sorry that it has taken me so long to post this article, even though I clearly stated that I would be able to increase the number of posts starting in August.

We have a lot of work ahead of us, but it looks like we will finally be able to pick up the pace this month.

Thank you very much for your continued support during the time we lost touch.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting for my reply. 🙇




This one came out beautifully my friend! It's so incredible and amazing to see what kind of pup the werewolf gave birth to. And to know he is also a wolf/hybrid is just wonderful as well. I hope this is some connection with the father and two sons so I am excited to see where this goes. The anatomy on this one is very well done. The claws/nails on both of them as well as their eyes, face, and hair still having those wolf aspects even when they turn back into humans is impeccable. And to be honest, I cannot turn my eyes away from the father's nipples. The honestly looked used and if they are, that's so much hotter! You really outdid yourself with this piece my friend. I am really happy to have you back but of course, you don't need to worry about being gone. Whatever has been happening in your life, I am very glad to hear you are alive and doing okay at least for now. Please continue to take care of yourself and don't worry or stress about your art either. It's always worth the wait. <3


Hello my dear friend! I am so sorry for being away for a very long time. The correlation and characters may be a bit confusing because the father wolf was introduced without describing the relationship between the two of them and the young werewolf his younger brother gave birth to. I myself don't have a very good memory, so I have added too many characters, so I often draw with confusion. lol The werewolf father's nipple seems to be overused, but truth be told, I didn't think too deeply about the background, so I might as well make that a weakness, just like the brothers' father. 😎 It has been a long time since we have talked like this, but thank you so much for your constant concern. I am very glad!


Hello my dear friend! No need to apologize for being away for so long. I missed you very much and I am so glad to have you back and know you are alive as I was getting worried lol. It's okay on the characters. To be honest, I kind of figured I might have been grasping at straws when I made these observations because there wasn't any information given. It was nothing more than wild speculation they had anything to do with the previous father and two boys. Nevertheless, I am glad to see them introduced and I can't wait to see more of them if you ever do decide to keep drawing them. Lol again my fault for just making wild assumptions with any information of context. I was simply making my own ideas of what I would like to see but thank you for the clarification my friend. I appreciate it. It has been a while since we have spoken last and I feel like there is much to discuss. I will welcome whole heartedly the opportunity to speak again and all you have to do is reach out to me.


Truly a beautiful piece!


Lovely work as always, beautiful family photo!