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I feel that the follow-up story will be that the eldest son sees his father having sex with his uncle……maybe?


Oh man, this one does hurt my heart a little. The look on the older brother's face, he has a desire, a lust, maybe even a need to be with his uncle and love him deeply. But since his uncle already has a close bond with his father, his love will indeed be unrequited. And if, IF, the lycan does happen to be the uncle as well, then we already know the uncle is more in love with the young brother so the older brother finds himself alone, so to speak. He wants his father but his father wants his younger brother, his younger brother also wants his father, and now that he wants his uncle, the uncle wants his father and younger brother and that leaves the older brother without anyone. A cruel, unfair life but let's see where this story takes us. These are just my guesses of course but I do love how this story is playing out and I can't wait to see more of what's to come. And as always, don't worry about the late responses my friend. I hope you are okay.