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This is the recipe for animation desu
4 frame with shadow and light

[my brother said before about Michelangelo that
use 3d understanding from sculpture to be able to create
the proper ratio on drawing desu]
If possible I also want to try make some figure
but that take time and moneys
so I pick animation instead of doing the sculpture desu

that why lately I doing a lot of animation desu
animation allow me to get used to 3d ratio desu
and thank you for support again this month desu
I will do my best on CG develop as always desu





Keep trying we support you!


I try to put more detail into animation desu this might take time for a while desu , more detail mean more focus desu this type of work really make me sweating desu .


I try to save up the budgets for project but look like I have to buy some new Chair and Table desu [ThunderX3 ED3] and [Nubwo CH001] the Merchant online recommend me desu , with this I do not have to hurt my neck desu . I never make mistake on investment before so I hope this will not be my first mistake desu . I also plan on buy new PC and try better Mouse pen in the future too desu.


you could always pick up an action figure to help you with the 3d stuff I know there are the body kun and body chan from the figma line that I think would be helpful for things like that


I try that options before but they a bit hard to move , clip studio might be easier, I will try them again next time desu . thank you for recommend desu