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look like Manga and animation work will gain more exp on ratio desu
after complete these raito
i will sent all work to my brother to do criticism again later desu
if i sent to him now i might feel down
and lose a lot of confident desu
that would effect my ability to focus on work desu

so right now all I need is exp desu




look like I start to gain weigh desu . I will use time on workout a bit more desu. that also mean time for taking shower about 1 hours per day desu


After workout , my body temperature will go high desu, that why i need to cool down in bucket for about 10-20 minutes desu. When i get to work i do not have to sweating a lot desu.


Nemu-san take more time then I thought desu, due to the risk of dead line i will move Manga work to the 4 th day instead desu , that mean 3rd and 4th will be full color time until all work is complete desu


More of orihime with shishigawara-kun and orihime with chad pls