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all day desu
today is really hard to bring her out desu
i almost decide to skip her work,
but somehow i be able to bring her out in the last minute desu

but thanks to this i just study a lot more from Kubo-san art desu
when i were a kid there no art school desu
so he is my main teacher that i self learning from desu

but when i study his work i always end up reading them all
and forget about the studying
it been a while now desu this feeling

by the way i already complete the vector line desu
this vector line is the main key to turn pro desu
feel like i will get AI as my assistant desu




i plan on compete the animation too desu , there are something that keep bugging me on this so i have no choice but to go there and see them by my own eyes desu


Vector line need to have separate Layer and One cut with clean line that why i try to level up my line to get used to this Vector line desu. drawing will soon be a lot faster desu. when i got more assistant on RPG project with this we will be able to make a lot of CG H scene desu


the conclude still no good desu . look like i need more info about animation , they end up moving like slow motion with weird funny movement