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Bad news desu.

look like i need to stay in the city with manager-san until her work is complete desu.

plan to buy new studio but it's too much investment and might put everything on the risk for unknown time that might only 1-6 months long desu.

good news is, the city is full of respectful people desu.

this city culture now feel like japan desu.

with internet and current money support can give me an opportunity to work anywhere desu.

anyway, i might have not have power to go for new studio or back to current environment for several months but for studio donations is here desu.


800,000 yen or 8,000 Dollars is guarantee the new studio and the necessary tools desu.


but i am happy with any choice result desu.

And manager-san necessary for the RPG project desu.

I need to eran her trust and support from this person for my own agenda desu.


in short, i will be going for ipad works for a while ne.




it's me


Hai, all ok desu. Please pm me again at the main page if you have not join Discord yet ne.