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the new crew member or manager-san, is my friend from the college whom I planned to invite to join me since day 1 when I successfully opened Fanbox and have a plan for the RPG project to put her into the management position to take care of everyone in the crew desu.

she has been working for me as a part-time job for several months now desu.

more like, she has been treating us like her own kids desu.

and that is a good thing for everyone desu.

she really was helpful to me and everyone in the crew desu.

especially for the food part desu.

and I have spent time talking with her and doing the personality test for the entire night once desu.

I now can see what the big difference between INFJ and ENFJ people desu.

they are simple INFJs that live in the present and are super extroverts desu.

the management function or leading skill of ENFJ is the top tier for sure desu.

of all the personality types that I encountered so far, if you guys happened to encounter with ENFJ I can say that you only know 10% of them until you get into a deeper relationship desu.


thanks to the manager-san deep talk so far,

I have come to understand most people more desu.

I just gonna skip this explanation part because no one wants to see me being toxic here desu.


do not get me wrong way ne,

to me personally ENFJ people are dangerous equals to these INFJ desu.

Maybe Manager-san might be sick or kind of narcissistic but

thank god Kubo that they were born to be peaceful desu.

if not because of the RPG project, the manager-san type of person is someone that I will avoid at all costs desu.



the ENFJ supporters-san if have time to spare please PM me for a talk ne.

I really want to know how much risk I have for taking manager-san in the crew desu.

to be honest, it really bugs me a lot desu.

right now I plan to bet my agenda on this person desu.

in return, i will be sure to give you Maxi point and some service in return desu.




manager-san really smiled a lot and pretended a lot desu. it's just can not fool me desu. so it really bugs me if she wants to achieve something from me or try to take advantage of me and the people in the crew desu.


is she just being nice or does she want something in return desu. i mean I also can see that she has narcissistic problems desu. is this really okay for me to bet my agenda on someone like this desu.


i am normally not afraid of anyone but after knowing that she has a higher brain function that can think deeper and can see through the lies, it just creeps me out desu.


the scammer is always lazy but she is not lazy desu. it just creeps my instinct me out desu.


the pic of ENFJ-A up there just represents my point of view of ENFJ-A or the manager-san desu.