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some news conclusion for this month and next month plan desu.

look like the support rate is stable for a few months now desu.

at least the current support will be enough for food and the perfect tools for me and the crew desu.


the move to the new building is still incomplete desu.

next month might also be more delayed than I thought desu.

really feel bad bring everyone to this point desu.

I also want a peaceful life to be the kind of person that has people love than hate desu.

I just need to do this or I will never be free from my mind desu.

it's alright if a lot of people can not understand,

just need to know that things always get in my way desu.

even picking the Hentai route the easiest life, things never turn in my favor desu.

please keep your support record non-stop for more service ne.

I said this means, your guy's support has a lot of value to me desu.

especially this moment desu.

and it's alright if someone wants to take a break desu.

thank you for your guys support again this month ne.




vote game on Twitter desu. https://twitter.com/MAXI54718793/status/1663414057221910529


it's me