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due to the mistake if the person's Twitter account gets blocked

please comment [it's me] below this post ne.

due to the wired movement, I need to speak with you personally desu.


and this month looks like there is a leaked work desu.

sadly, I still do not know who did it desu.

but I already got 3 suspect desu. gonna delayed these people desu.

3 of you need to pass my test by following the rules on private message ne.


due to the leaked work this month,

only this month, I gonna send the link to everyone personally desu.

supporters with proper support records will be no need to delay desu.

the services will be the same desu.

but I not gonna send it to the person who leaked my work or be my suspect ne.

that's all for the news update desu.



I just want to protect some of my supporters is goods desu.

and finding the Rat-san and telling other creators to aware of the Rats-san account is also part of my responsibility desu.

that is the real reason why I keep these Rat-san around desu.

and that is why, I have another pen name and assistant-san and hidden alliance to watch you guys move desu.

that is the real frightening part about INFJ desu.

people always look down on us even we told them how frightening we can be desu.

please thinks of this as some responsibility as the creators to protect my supporters goods ne.




by the way, any creator-san who wants to join me can simply PM me desu. we will have little community to defend our supporter's goods when it's need desu. but do not get me wrong ne, I understand if not everyone is upset about the leaked work desu. just joined me and give me some information in return ne.


Hi I'm new here what's going on?


only people who get blocked on Twitter by mistake desu. but if they did not show up here, that means it's not a mistake desu. and thank you for the support desu.