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hai, this is the peak of my current style desu.

I will be calling this Maxi's new version desu.

but if you guys think it's not good enough, compared to the old version then feel free to cast the vote here ne.


old version desu.

New version desu.




forget to mention desu. I got a new CG assistant-san now desu. that is why I am ok with any version desu. if the new version you guys prefer, then I will come up with another plan desu. do not worry ne. nothing gonna changed much desu.


Old version has realistic lighting and depth to it's actions while still being clear to see. Think of it more like... a still frame caught in motion New version is more free-form with it's design but basing on the more "animated" works that portray movement, its like applying motion blur to the still frame I like both though!