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people who support from 01/09/2022 - 20/11/2022

can private message me to receive the work now desu.

because if not,

I will count as 10,000 yen support for Nemu-san services monthly instead desu.

people who already got the work but delayed, I will update the link now desu.

to be honest, I have been busy with a lot of problems that I almost forgot everything now desu.

in short, please help me find you guys by PM me and telling me your Name inside Fanbox desu.

example 001 desu.

Kawaii-supporter-A-san : Maxi-san, I have been supporting the 10,000 yen plan from 03/09/2022 to 16/10/2022 for two months for the pre-order now desu.

Maxi-san : Hai, please tell me your name inside Fanbox here ne.

Kawaii-supporter-A-san : My Fanbox name is Kawaii desu.

example 002 desu.

my Lazy brother: Maxi-san, I have been supporting the 10,000 yen plan from 01/11/2022 for 1 month for the pre-order now desu.

my name inside Fanbox is Lazy desu.

Maxi-san : Hai, sorry ne. you have to support for 2-3 months before the deadlines here desu. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102083507

my Lazy brother: then I want a refund!

Maxi-san : hai refund desu.




but I will make exceptions for people who miss 1 month to pick between a refund or Nemu-san services next month or moving to the Discord desu. do not worry ne. I will be sure to make it fair to everyone desu.


Maxi-san in am a supporter who has been following do a long time but my other account can no longer follow or subscribe to you please help