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just got the x-ray results from the hospital desu.

and the doctor said my bone looks beautiful nothing break or damage desu.

that must be because my favorite food is milk desu

she just diagnose that I got office syndrome desu.

that means the working schedule will be called Donut pillow schedule desu.

more info about this is here ne.

it's been a while since I found someone I can have fun talking with desu.

we got the same Otaku power about trying to figure things out from the puzzle desu.

I mean I help the doctor by giving a lot of hints and a lot of information in order to find the conclusion desu.

maybe the reason that I go to the hospital and am always happy is that I find someone that I can talk to with the same interests desu.

I used to dream to become a doctor too desu.

I think it's so cool that you can help people and after working hours is over then you can become anything the biker or join the gang or stay at home but at the end of the day will be treasured by a lot of people be respected by a lot of people family or friend would be proud of you desu.

it would be normal life I want desu.

but sadly the education system refuse me and told me that I am too stupid to be a doctor desu.

they laugh at me when I said I want to become a doctor desu.

but what gives me the finishing blow is

when I lose family

when I lose a friend

when I lose a lover

it's just meaningless to me to become the doctor desu.

and normal life of mine is just about living for someone desu.

but thanks to all misfortune in my life that killed my motivation to live, that is why I can try to do some crazy thing like become the Hentai desu.

to be honest, Hentai the lawbreaker is really a madness lifestyle of mine desu.

because I have nothing to lose

now I plan to put all my life on the bet this time desu.

no more return no more backup plan desu.

only Hentai only for myself, to the rest of my life desu.

that is why I will never plan to betray you guys by trying to be some artist with Original work or trying to be a normal person by making some normal work on the ground for the good history for yourself or for show off that you can become something beside Hentai, I sick of seeing a lot of artists who insult the Hentai that way desu.

that is why If I going to live as Hentai for the rest of my life, I plan to write the history with Hentai desu.

or die as no one desu.



the doctor today might be normal to average people but to me who has never seen a sexy woman for many years almost make me heart attack desu.

do not know why but that hospital is full of beautiful women desu.

but do not worry ne. even if the sexiest women in the world try to seduce me, I will never fall for it desu. I only love myself desu.

today when she tries to give me how to work out for office syndrome, I looked away because she wear a short-skirt desu.

so I told her with a bit of regret

[huuu, I already do the research about it desu]


going to keep updating the news below ne.




news update desu. eat too much milk make me little diarrhea desu. going to work a bit and go to bed ne. I have been using Donut pillows hand-made until now but the 4d types just arrived today desu. going to test it out a bit ne. it really soft desu. the good thing about this donut pillow is they can stay the same shape thanks to the 4d foam desu.


after sitting on it, feel like the hand-made one is better, and I just watch this desu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6tCQpyHYRo


fuuu, look like it's a bad idea for using donut pillows desu. I going to rest a bit more due to diarrhea desu.


Look like it better for set on the legs when on the bed desu.


News update desu. going to rest a bit more desu. plan to complete the color part by today desu.


fuuu going to rest for today desu. will be back to work again about at night or tomorrow ne. almost complete desu. after this will start Nemu-san's work and the time I have left I will spend on Maxi Ver002 ne. might be compensation desu. but after x-ray, I feel a lot better at working desu. that means I will heal in no time desu.


News update desu. today feel a bit no good desu. have a little nightmare about problems on the road desu. I used to be a hot head on the road before but never intend to hurt anyone desu. but in my dream, I picked a fight with the stranger just because he try to hit me on the road while I am on the bike desu. and my belt has a knife for emergency not for protection desu. I just pull the knife and fight with the guy desu. and I just woke up before the fight started desu. I used to have a dream like this before desu. I pick a fight with the old man and throw him on the ground and then feel sorry for him desu. after that, I always calm down when I am on the road desu. because winning a fight will never be a good result for both of us desu. but fighting to protect or fight for life is a different story desu.


to be honest I will be like the dynamite and unstoppable in the fight that has a proper reason desu. like the loud sound from the neighbor I always need to show them the lines that they can not cross desu. but that is not a problem anymore because the neighbor has a sick father desu. at first, I am so satisfied at they understood why we need to keep it down desu. and I end up feeling sorry for him desu. at least he understands desu. buy do not worry ne. all people in this household is a good neighbors for them desu. I just can not stand the loud sound desu. that is because I have no good memories about it in the past with my shitty father about the sound before desu. the rage I have is the rage I have toward my shitty father desu.


going to rest a bit more ne. really feel sleepy too desu.


News update desu. waste too much time on some new movie that comes from my country desu. it really not worth mentioning but it starts to get better desu. I like how they joke about the parasite from the Korean desu. they really know how to hit at the spot desu. but the big picture and the core are still far from the quality I expect desu. if what it still lacks harmony and editor with exp help desu. going to work a bit more and back to work again at night ne.


fuuu going to rest for today desu. my back start to get better and better now desu. actually, the doctor gives me the pills too, but I want my body to fight it with my own ability desu. and I hate the pills that have feedback to my nerve system desu. I treasure my own health on the nervous system the most desu. I have a feeling that all my skills and my power and motivation and all sensitive factor that are necessary for my agenda come from these things desu.