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about work, story hint desu.

『bathe together for once in a while』


some updates for open beta on the voting game and Nemu-san services desu.

first, for anyone who got this file means

6 months delay for Nemu-san unlocks desu.

the reason is because

I need to separate groups of supporters who support me from the start

[who have enough credit to be part of our project]

and the supporter who just arrived that need to prove yourself first desu.

in short, I want you guys to prove yourself by the end of this 2022 desu.

because Nemu-san services are the key for be part of Maxi's Direction desu.

just participating in this little game will guarantee something for me desu.

another reason is that after the end of 2022, I will become invincible desu.

money problems will no longer affect me desu.

that also means right now, I am at a critical moment desu.

people who fight together with me

for our project will no doubt gain my eternal trust desu.

and I will make an exception for people who join Buymeacoffee membership desu.

100$-200$ up will also earn the points to participate in SC twitter as well

for vote game desu.

but again desu. for balanced the game and to prevent the spam vote,

a fresh account without Maxi points[credit] will need to wait for 6- months desu.

unless show me that you use the second account I will allow it to have a 3-month delay before can join the SC twitter desu.

all these rules will keep updated in order to balance the vote game desu.

thank you for understanding desu.


this is the place for pyramid request desu.



####people who have not gotten the link yet please let me know ne####


#### older CG can keep unlocking after 2 months of support up ne.










Hello. could I get the link? 応援してます! 心ばかりの支援です!


hai, the link for this month will be complete by the next month ne. and the previous work can be unlocked by support more than two months up desu. and I will keep doing my best ne.

