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there are some scammers trying to manipulate me to doubt you guys desu.

the frightening part about these scammers is they have a lot of information before they start to make a move on you desu.

when they know who you are and what you want,

all it takes is 1-2 words to get you desu.

the more faith I give to the person the more disappointment I got back desu.

I am the type of person who not going to waste a second thinking about the benefit before passing the judgment desu.

I treasure my crew member desu.

that is why this represents my respect toward them desu.

I not going to say some words cloaking for both sides to walk away happily desu.

losing a crew member = doom days desu.

that is my respect desu.

you guys might call it ego or pride but that is my way of living desu.

I hit the person because that person is wroth lower myself to hit him desu.

the same with Soma26-san desu.

I do not know if the person is returning from the dead and secretly joining my plan now desu.

but if he shows up I will make sure to show him my respect again desu.

[throw into the sea with both hand ties again desu.]

all I expect from you guys who return is

to learn how to walk with me on the common ground desu.

in short, I am sensitive to that crew member part desu.

a lot of ways to find out who does this do that but it waste time and meaningless desu.

I will just depend on my system and faced all disappointment and grow up desu.


hai, little service ne.

will keep updating the news below desu.




News update desu. current work about 20% desu. will be back to work again at night ne. going to rest now desu.


Any successful person in this world finds envy and enemies, life needs a struggle, and there are still good people who carry you if you stumble as I do, we will not betray our friend if he needs us


hai, thank you for letting me know desu. I will keep that in mind and focus on the work instead worry about this ne.


News update desu. current work about 25% ends up wasting a lot of time teaching a crew member some lesson desu. I really can not work together with an arrogance and full of ego people desu. they happen to have a lot of skill and potential but always hard to give them some new things desu.


that is why I prefer to work with unskill people and level up together desu. they have a lot of pen mind and respect towards me and the knowledge they get desu. going to rest for today desu. going to watch some anime SSSS Gridman desu. the character looks so lively desu. no more power left to work desu .going to watch this until reaching the night ne. almost got the bedtime back desu. soon I will go with full power again ne. until then desu.


nice anime ssss gridman i watched the first season Rikka 😍 hot one


hai, my favorites character is Akane desu. really enjoy her character desu. the funny part must be her relationship with Anti-kun desu. I really laugh so hard when she was mad at him desu. and Akane happens to have the same voice actor as Gigi from Gundam too desu.


talking about Gigi this character has a deep meaning to me as well desu. she must represent the things that everyone needs to face when they fighting for their own agenda and end up doubt in themselves or hesitate desu. and the power to see through all lies is really starting to make more sense desu.


hai, I recommend [gundam Hathaway flash] the movie desu. the entire movie is so intense desu. I do not remember the last time I watch such a high-quality work like this desu. a lot of the Movies from anime feel like a filler acts to me desu. but this one [gundam Hathaway flash] is completely different desu.


News update desu. about 35% desu. almost reach the BG color part now desu. and bedtime almost back to normal now desu. today I feel have a lot of energy just by sleeping at night desu. going to rest a bit ne.


nice but meca animes not of my fav animes but i will try watch it


News update desu. current work about 45% desu. will go to the color part soon desu. going to rest for today ne. almost got the bedtime back desu.


News update desu. going to rest a bit desu. current work almost 50% desu.


just complete with workout desu. have no power left desu. going to rest a bit more desu.


take more time than I thought desu. Orihime's hair part is killing me desu. going to rest a bit more ne almost reach 50% now desu.


News update desu. end up not reach 50% yet desu. while working on this part I have thinking about the game online desu. If something I going to make the next level of this is the character desu. how the body changed shape when they move or touch by adding some kind of AI technology inside the body desu. how the bone moves in each situation, how the muscle moves, or how the body moves when bleeding when stunning from debuff desu. and adding all of that into the game desu. NPC monster players but the game is going to be too large desu. I hope we find a way to create a high-quality game like this soon desu.


to be honest, I think we already have super technology and people with skills in this world desu. the reason why we going nowhere is because no one is crazy enough to try desu. because money standard desu. money told people what to do and what they can not do desu. this is also part of my RPG project desu. to give everyone a new way of living desu. maybe in the next 30 years, I might still live to see it come true desu. but these 10 years the battery is still the battery desu.


News update desu. current work about 50% now desu. going to rest a bit ne.