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I am a type that respects people desu.

even a kid or a dog always has my respect desu.

today one of the MVPs thinks that he can treat me like some low life,

I understand desu.

I think no one here insults me more than myself desu.

this person's name is wrong_name-san desu.

at first, I thought he is drunk desu.

but I am a reasonable person desu.

that is why I try to suggest the option for this person and see if he is just misunderstanding something about me and my system desu.

I suggest he join my crew and help me with the translator,

or become my customer that he wants so much.

I have been wasting a lot of time with this person because I hope to keep him as MVP or try to convince him to join my team in order to get rid of all problems desu.

but look like his intention is clear from the start desu.

he just wants to Quit and Toxic on me and my system desu.

this person asking for a lower prize desu.

so if he wants to buy my work so much, so I decide to charge him with the lowest prize 500,000 yen desu.

to be honest, from the start I do not think anyone wants to join this 10,000 yen support desu.

because I do not intend to go back to work on the RPG project desu.

I already giving up desu.

Fanbox is just the place for me to make a living desu.

but I want you guys to take a look here desu.

this is the Nulushio-san support plan desu.

in the red circle is the 10,000 yen support plan that does not contain Nemu-san service desu.

this exceeds 1 full year to have someone support me for having nothing to return desu.

10,000 yen support plan at that time still work as Expired work desu.

and you only need to support once in order to get inside this expired work desu.

as you guys can see, not just Nulushio-san

a lot of people join this plan for no reason desu.

when I see this, I am ashamed of myself desu.

what am I going to do with this money's support?

what am I going to do with the people's hardship here?

the answer is one thing desu.

Then I will go for the RPG project one more time.

and that is mostly part of how everything starts desu.

that is how the root of my system begins desu.

so, do I look like some people who are thirsty for your guy's money?

I going to tell you guys one more time desu.

I do not care about the stupid money desu.

but inside that money that you guys give me contain with the hardship desu.

that hardship inspired me to fight desu.

that hardship pushes me moving forward desu.

that hardship is the only reason for me to never give up again desu.

If you guys want the new era, then support me desu.

there is a lot of ways to make the money by using my current ability desu.

open Fanbox shows off what I have to build the Maxi point system and sell Nemu-san service is the last thing I do If I want the money desu.

what I want to see here is, how many crazy people understand my agenda desu.

what I want to see here is, how far I can go If I have the groups of people that I trust back up me.

the perfect groups of supporters that got selection by my system desu.

I mean, If I failed on the RPG project after having all of this,

then I am just a loser desu.

that at least will remind me for the rest of my life that

the RPG project is not for me desu.

but IF we succeed, I will live happily with the new era I want desu.

that is all I want desu.

I hope no more MVP doubts my agenda desu.

I already told everyone from the start that this is a gamble desu.

give me all hardship and I will give everything I have to give you guys the new era desu.

imagining the world that Hentai people fighting for better quality desu.

that is the world that I want to live in desu.

not this world that everything decides by money desu.

so I hope everyone understands that living for money is a stupid way of living for me desu.

because the money can NEVER give me what I want desu.

he called me a scammer,

it takes me several years to create the Maxi credit desu.

I would be the most stupid scammer If I going to lie about all of this desu.

but I understand his point desu.

I might run away with the money desu.

I might pretend to be dead desu.

I not going to say that everything will end happily for everyone desu,

I just going to show you guys what is like to fight head-on for my own agenda desu.

there is all explanation for all my behavior desu.

what I doing here is going to give me all the answers I want desu.

It's a bit personal desu.

but do not worry ne. not everyone can see through me enough to know what is real desu.

you guys can watch and join anytime you want desu.

that is all about desu.




and I think I need to warn everyone desu. I am a bit type of person who people called the Dynamite desu. getting blocked or being charged as punishment by me is the lowest price to paid desu. please be calmer as much as possible with me ne. because I going to do my best to be reasonable and fair and calm as much as possible too desu.


to be honest charge of 500,000 yen is not make me satisfied at all desu. I just chared him more than 800,000 yen desu. for insult and waste my time mostly desu. I hope this going to be a good example for people who try to become my customer desu.


and I work on file arrangement desu. do not be hurry to rush me to get the service ne. I am also mad enough that can not work for several days now desu. I get stuck at this proof of the file arrangement desu. please understand and wait for desu. just do not rush me ne. this might sound irresponsible and selfish but right now I am ready to be mad with the little things desu.


and one more bad news desu. I got refused by the Estonia E-residency desu. If Paypal from my country didn't upgrade it better enough to receive money from Fanbox then I will need Soma26-san to transfer the money desu.


the person who took care of my case is really irresponsibility desu. at least, feel like met some old friends desu. my bad luck is always still around with me desu.


going to rest a bit and back for file arrangement desu.


News update desu. only 10% left desu. huhhhh going to save and upload on the Mega link and put it on as soon as possible ne. do not worry desu. I will be sure to make a compensation for this desu. next months things will get easier desu. due to the new plan lately, make me spend a lot of time to arrange the file and record desu.


News update desu. will start preparing the post and upload the work now desu. do not open the link until they are complete due to prevent confusion desu.