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with this, everything will be much easier and safer than borrowing our uncle's old bike desu.

I have already done the training with Youtuber and some instruction from my cousin desu.

I getting used to it like riding the normal bikes now desu.

[and I hurt my neck for it a bit desu. almost heal back to normal desu.]

this one is necessary for the team when we move to the new building desu.

that is why I suggest people in my team buy them now to be ready desu.

we live far from the city we would be better with the powerful bike desu.


and we paid for the bike for 350,000 yen and the safety gear 20,000 yen desu.

that is a lot of money but this is also part of the investment desu.



this bike represents the Hentai culture desu.

I will ride it with pride of Hentai and safety desu.

might be a higher risk with black color but it needs to be black color desu.

I just happen to love the black color desu. they make me feel safe desu.

and do not worry ne, I have already learned my lesson on the road desu.

I already die that day because of my own ego desu.

I survive that day because the bike color that easy to be spot desu.

this black color might be riskier but it will be a reminder to myself desu.

I will ride it by reminding myself every time before I go on the road desu.

to be more respectful and do not get ahead of yourself desu.

that is why I also do the invest in the safety tools desu.


thank you for understanding and thank you for your guy's support again desu.

will keep updated news below ne.

Update desu

I cursed the guy who design this armor desu. The screw they put inside this armor is hurt me more than normal falling desu. kuuuuuu




look like I need more time to prepare the page and consult in the community desu. Paypal still needs more time to prepare desu. Buymeacoffee now is the best solution desu. The Ko-fi page will be open again soon desu. who want to join the Twitter page for News on Ko-fi https://twitter.com/SilentcomicHD please pay at least 20cups at the Buymeacoffee page and PM the name of your twitter back to me here at Pixiv ne. going to rest a bit more desu.


and Fanbox still doing ok desu. If no one plans to move to Buymeacoffee can stay here desu. the service will be the same desu. Buymeacoffee just to encourage people to get more little service for helping me with the lower tax problems desu.


News update desu. current work about 70% now desu. today I have sent my lazy brother and my cousin to take care of the pillars in the underground process desu. fuuu I also want to go to see but it waste of time and too risky desu.


News update desu. current work about 80% desu. I think I am a bit-level up on the color current style desu. not sure if this comes out better or not it's almost like combining between old type and the new type on Maxi Ver002 desu. before this, I have been testing the color and had a hard time trying to control the balance and brush pressure on the work desu. but after getting a lot of anatomy knowledge I know exactly where the color and what technique I want to use desu. this might sound a bit ridiculous but maybe it got something to do with me understanding how the new bike work desu. because this process I have been training might have the result in giving me the new perfective to use this working process on the CG work desu. If this theory is right then If I want to level up myself I need to try a lot of new things to wider my perfective the power like the gap of my brain desu.