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hai, just got interesting with high rushing points for the request at Maxi Ver002 for the old type desu.

soon I will have to go back to the animation-type color like this example below desu.

but anyone who wants to see higher CG and just use the Maxi points for request by PM me ne.

the uncensored version has already been uploaded on Mega desu.


anyone who is interested in the Maxi Ver002 request

can pay here at Buymeacoffee desu.

people who pay there will have free 1,000 rushing points desu.

[have to encourage people to pay there in order to prevent the tax desu.]

feel free to comment and PM for questions ne.

will keep updated news below desu.




ah, forget to mention desu. the reason that I have to go back to the Animation type is because I need to use this type to put into the RPG MV desu. have to get used to it for the Animation team and the assistant-san desu. the type that I plan to use I just realize that I will use this type desu. https://www.google.com/search?q=deadman+wonderland+makina&rlz=1C1CHZL_enTH717TH789&sxsrf=APq-WBsW-kwr190lO7adjRRPINMpiurJWg:1646074075662&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ27bkh6P2AhUizDgGHZjRAJ8Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2558&bih=1369&dpr=1#imgrc=AXhbTtByNZ6-2M


Wonderful degeneracy. I hope she decides to play with her son's big cock.


News update desu. anyone who already paid on the Buymeacoffee page and wants to join Twitter, please tell me your Twitter name in order to join the Twitter for Buymeacoffee news desu.


News update desu. just complete all the payment methods and set the page to the standby state desu. really a big problems desu. but the problems this year teach me a lot of good lessons desu. it make me stonger desu. If can not beat these problems, then I have no qualified to lead anyone desu.