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this month,

feel like the moment when Reinhard said to Emilia after kidnaping the kid desu.

[today might be the last time that we can enjoy the moon in peace]

I have a feeling that the bigger fight is waiting for me desu.

after beating the big boss of tax problems the previous time, I feel like I addict to more problems desu. I feel like I can do anything now desu.

that is why started the toxic boycott war, seeking more challenge desu.

I will believe in my instinct desu.

I have a feeling that this is the way how to get more power desu.

at least it's better than feeling sleepy all the time desu.


and about the service desu.

due to a lot of requests at Maxi Ver002,

I will go on with the relaxed pace for a while on Fanbox service ne.

to put it more simply, the 500 yen service will only have 2 pieces per month desu.

plus some progress or might be little compensation service a bit desu.

let's create the new hentai era together ne.






by the way, I just join the Pixiv plan and now can edit the post desu. just make it public again desu. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88782586


news update desu. will start working on the Maxi Ver002 request now desu. but today no more energy left desu. bedtime desu.