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[where is your dad?] part 002 ---- hai, the 300 yen service end for this month ne. this month really got a lot of money support desu. and a lot of problems that almost make me cry desu. but I have a feeling that I might start to get used to all of these problems, and feel like nothing going to get in our way anymore desu. hai, after this will spent time on Maxi Ver002 for 1 more day, and after that will working on Nemu-san part desu. and please understand that some requests might have a delay due to a lot of incoming requests ne. after getting the building or Ko-fi donating project reaches 10% I will shut down the Ko-fi request and clear all of the requests for everyone for sure desu. after that everyone can just free request here at Fanbox desu. that why, people who believed in this RPG project and support me, I will be sure to return this favor desu. my personality might have a lot of bad habits, so this is not my selling point for not being good at trying to win everyone's heart desu. but my power and my victory and my destination from now on, will always share with you guys here desu. thank you for your guys' support again for this month ne. ---- おあがりよ!






Thanks for all the hard work Maxi. This came out great, very nice!


Great work senpaiiiiii ♡^♡


we love you Maxi and really appreciate your hard work. ofcourse we're looking forward to see more beautiful drawings ❤


hai, I have to take a look at the menu dish and decide the next part later ne. due to a lot of problems, I plan to clear all Fanbox requests to service people as much as possible desu.


You are awesome man! Just keep doing what you're doing!


Hey congrats on making it to 10%, I know that its not much but at least its a start. Some people don't even attempt to make any progress because they know its a long road of hardships. However, it looks like you are determine to get this project started, your hard work will pay off keep it up.


ah, sorry ne look like I make a mistake in the communication desu. we still 2% desu. as you can see in the link here desu. https://ko-fi.com/maxiartwork