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look like my original work is no good enough to be number one desu. I did not expect to win but now feel so depressed desu. right now, I really have no power to move my body desu. my neck my back is so heavy desu, I just need time to rest desu. today a lot of stuff happening desu. I thought I should be powerful enough to at least win some things, but the result always the same desu. work might be a bit late ne. I will make up for this later desu. duu duuu duuu duuu duu du du duuu dududu du
youtube post: ZiXte5zpciU




Take heart, maxi-san. Even though you didn't win this one, your drawing has come this far up to the final round. As you move forward, your skill and art will always improve and get better, because you work hard to get there. There many more opportunities to come where you can display your art and win. You have our support. ❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍