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current work about 20% left desu.

I do not want to ruin the bedtime desu.

look like I need to finish the work later in the morning desu.

there will be compensation work for this later ne.

sometimes, I feel like I can not holding back desu.

I should stop at 100 % but there is always more for me to try desu.

110 , 120 , 130 , 140 % desu.

that why this ruin all the schedule desu.

but I just want to know how they will look like desu.

see you guys in the morning desu.

next weeks will skip the public work ne.

because I need to balance the schedule back to normal first desu.

update desu.

plan to put Unohana-san on but I make a mistake on some part desu.

it will take too much time to fix desu.

will go back to finish Rukia-chan work now desu.

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News update desu. secert part of Rukia-chan will move to the next days ne. for today I will put some work on the public for little service first ne.


News update desu. due to some mistake will go back to work with Rukia-chan work now desu.


News update desu. the 3rd page is taking more time than I thought desu. almost 10 % left now desu.